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Elements of Art

Line: A mark made on a surface that can be vertical, horizontal, curvy etc: I used lines by using pen tool to outline the fox and also to add details to it.


Color: The aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, lightness, and saturation: I used color by making the parts where the light hits lighter and other parts darker. I used grey colors since that is what the fox looks like.



Shape: An enclosed space that is 2 dimensional like squares and circles: I created different shapes by making it seem that one legs is closer than other. I used circles and triangles.


Form: Something that looks 3 dimensional: I used form by making the fox look 3 dimensional by placing the legs one in front of the other giving a 3d effect.


Space: Positive and negative space to make a illusion: I used space by contrasting black and white to make shadows. 


Texture: Visual or real texture that can show how something feels: I created texture by making his fur look furry and soft. 


Values: lightness and darkness of a color: I used value by making the leg in the front darker than the ones from the back.  

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My animal is a Arctic Fox. I chose this animal since I found it cool that it lives in super cold weather.My animal lives in treeless coastal Areas of Alaska. They live in artic and alpine tundra habitat  My animal eats birds, squirrels, and lemming. My animal is endangered because human hunt them for there fur. There are several hundred thousand left around 630,000. To increase the population they should make it illegal to hunt them. 

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